Pre-Conference Workshop Day

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

9.00-12.00 Workshop A

Achieving the Regulatory GRAS Status with Optimal Review of Safety & Data Generation

  • Tania Porsgaard Bayer Director of Global Regulatory Affairs, Arla Foods Ingredients GmbH
  • Paul Hanlon Director of Regulatory Affairs, Abbott Nutrition
  • Manki Ho Principal Regulatory Affairs Specialist, Novonesis


The journey to regulatory approval can sometimes seem like a never-ending and complex labyrinth. Cross-departmental collaboration with regulatory decision makers will help you bridge this gap and help exercise the skills that are in your control.

Join this workshop to unite with industry-leading regulatory experts to understand the ins and outs of pre-submission meetings and regulatory frameworks to streamline approval.

This workshop will gather experts to discuss:

  • Outlining and assessing GRAS notices to help inform review of safety and identify early market opportunities for specific bioactives
  • Pin-pointing nuances in data quality to best prepare for pre-submission meetings and effectively demonstrate growth and intake outcomes
  • Implementing risk-benefit models for regulatory strategies to compare alternatives and hone in on best directions forward

1.00-4.00 Workshop B

Perfecting Your Experimental Design to Inform Early Decision Making & Future-Proof Business Strategy

  • Stina Jensen Head of Applied HMOs, Novonesis
  • Douglas Burrin Senior Research Scientist, Children's Nutrition Research Center, Baylor College of Medicine, USDA-ARS
  • Sharon Donovan Director of Personalized Nutrition Initiative, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign


As the journey towards regulatory acceptance and commercialization stems from experimental data, it’s imperative to set up fit-for-purpose experimental designs to secure your forward strategies.

Join this workshop alongside research wizards who have all the experimental know-how to help you adapt experimentation and inform preclinical and clinical decision making.

This workshop will gather experts to discuss:

  • Assessing public perception surrounding preclinical models to learn how to justify model of choice
  • Broadening the scope of your preclinical trials in light of clinical limitations to best predict efficacy effects on infants
  • Delving into demonstrations of bioefficacy to effectively translate to internal and external team

Download the Full Event Guide to Discover: 

  • 16+ expert speaker faculty
  • 3 days of data-driven case studies
  • 60+ visionaries 
  • & more
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